2008 :: Trilogy of Artist Residencies
ANAT partnered with Arts Victoria’s ‘Arts Innovation’ program to deliver three artist’s residencies in science/research settings.
Chris Henschke focused his investigations at The Australian Synchrotron on the incandescent lightbulb, which has symbolic and technological associations with the facility. Using Synchrotron’s beamlines to analyse the lightbulb in various ways, he then combined the data to create a series of images, animations, sounds and sculptural forms.
Leah Heiss used her residency at Nanotechnology Victoria (NanoVic) Ltd to develop jewellery that has therapeutic properties. Her ‘Diabetes’ range works in tandem with NanoVic’s transdermal patches to administer insulin through the skin, replacing syringes, while her ‘Arsenic’ series of vessels remove arsenic from water, and can be used when transiting areas where this poisonous substance is prevalent in well water, such as India and Bangladesh.
And Frances d’Ath, resident at Swinburne University’s Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing (CAS), derived new choreographic systems from computer-based data visualisation, then applied her research to interactive lighting and projection systems, out of which came her performance work ‘monadologie’.

Leah Heiss, Diabetes Jewellery, 2008. photograph Narelle Sheean.