
ANAT is a not-for-profit income tax exempt body with deductible gift recipient status. ANAT trades nationally under an Australian Registered Business Name and operates a Public Fund. ANAT was incorporated in 1988 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA).

ABN 26 670 446 106

ARBN 098 039 171


The seeds for ANAT were first sown in 1984 through Interface, an art and technology project presented at the Adelaide Festival of Arts. Its popularity led to a research-based pilot in 1985 and a national consultancy tour in 1987, culminating in ANAT incorporating as the Australian Network for Art in Technology in 1988. For our 30th birthday present we formalised our use of the name ANAT, something we’ve been informally known as over our lifetime.

Over its lifetime, ANAT has supported hundreds of extraordinary artists to engage with science and technology through a diverse range of programs and opportunities. Many of these artists have gone on to achieve successful international careers, including Stelarc, Paula Dawson, Paul Brown, Patricia Piccinini, Joyce Hinterding, Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, Mari Velonaki, Ken and Julia Yonetani, Helen Pynor, Keith Armstrong and Leah Barclay among many, many others.